Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Del.icio.us? Not so much.

Okay, I finally took a look at Del.icio.us, and I'm wondering, "What's all the fuss? So you can tag stuff - so what? Tagging is that stuff I have to do after each entry in this blog, and it's more trouble than it's worth. And they've devoted a whole website to this?"

Then I said to myself, "Do I really care what everyone else with these same tags have to say about the subject? No, not unless they're going to agree with me that such and thus is a pointless waste of time, or that this other thing is oh so cool."

Then I said, "Yeah, I get that it's great if I really cared what some other person had to say about that subject, but most of the things I look up on the net are one shot deals, or guess what? If I want to keep coming back to it, I put it in my "Favorite Places" on AOL!!!"

Del.icio.us is another example of reinventing the wheel.

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