Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Web 2.0? Sure, if you say so.

I'm not sure I believe in all this hype about "Web 2.0". Apparently, I went through "Web 1.0 and 1.5" without even realizing it.

I mean, it's great that people can do all this stuff I've been learning about in "23 Things", but how much of it is any one person going to actually use? Aside from my old Photoshop teacher - who was a maven that Apple called when they wanted to test stuff - who's Web 2.o really for?

And just because someone can do this, that and another thing on the Web doesn't mean that they're doing anything creative. Sure it's fun, but ultimately so what?

Web 2.0 reminds me of Segways - yeah, they're fun to use, but you can get along quite well without one.

I hate to be so negative about technology, but there it is - once "23 Things" is over, the likelihood of me being asked any questions about this stuff is zero to nil.

Call me when Web 2.0 (or 3.0 or whatever) produces something akin to real voice recognition(ala those computers on the original "Battlestar Galactica".) Then we can talk.

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