Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lifelong Learning

(This is what happens when you don't do things in order - I listened to the podcasts on this subject ages ago, but forgot to write down my responses! Live and learn...)

I think the idea of lifelong learning is great, but how many of us actually put it into practice? I mean, you have no idea how much it frustrates me when people say they can't read such and thus because they don't have any time? Yet, funnily enough, they always have time to watch "American Idol"!

Sorry if "AI" is your favorite show, but come on - is it really going to help you accomplish all those goals you've been putting off FOREVER?

And I'm guilty of this as well - it's only been in the last few months that I've made the effort to cut back on television and to work on the things I really want to do. Like getting the novel I've written, edited and ready to send it out to publishers. So bye-bye repeats of "Smallville" and "Supernatural" - I've got things to do. So long "Antiques Roadshow" and (sob!) "History Dectectives"! Heck, I even missed the season finale of - clutch the pearls! - "Heroes" because I needed to finish typing up my manuscript!

And this isn't even counting the TV I've given up while I've been doing my LATI homework, and my homework for the other classes I've taken. I've even had to give up reading some books I wanted to read because I've had to read other novels (some not in genres I usually read) in order to GET THINGS DONE.

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